Starting and Exiting the System

This section provides instructions for starting and exiting Desigo CC. Select the appropriate procedure depending on the type of client you are working on. For background information, see System Menu.


Start an Installed Client

Do this procedure to start Desigo CC on a computer where the Desigo CC software is installed as a normal Windows application.

  1. Start Desigo CC from the Windows Start button or by clicking the icon on the desktop.
  • The logon dialog box displays. You can log on to the system as a Desigo CC user or Windows user.
  1. Enter your username and password.
  1. Select the domain.
  1. Click Logon.


Start the Windows App Client

You want to start Desigo CC from a computer configured to operate as a Windows app client, where the client software is downloaded and installed on demand from a browser.

  • The authentication certificate was previously installed on the computer.
  1. Open the browser such as, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11 onwards.
  1. In the address bar of the browser, enter the name of the computer where the Desigo CC web server resides (for example, //ITP0990c/).
    NOTE: If you do not have this information, contact your system administrator.
  • The Desigo CC page opens in the browser, and the Desigo CC tab contents display.
  1. Click the Windows App Client thumbnail.
  • The installation of Desigo CC starts. When completed, the logon dialog box displays.
  1. Enter your username and password.
  1. Select the domain.
  1. Click Logon.


Each time you start Desigo CC as a Windows app client, a search for system updates is performed. If a new version of the software is available on the web server, you can choose to update it or continue using the previous version.


Connectivity problems with Windows App Client
If there are connectivity problems, a message box may display indicating that the connection to the server was temporarily lost. To resume your work, do the following:
a. Click OK to close the message box.
The system automatically logs you off, and the logon dialog box displays again on the screen.
b. Try logging on again.


Change Your Password

Read the instructions of the topic that most closely relates to the task you need to carry out.


It is recommended to choose a strong password.
When you enter a new password and confirm it, in those fields:
- Characters appear in black, if the password is compliant with the password policy.
- Characters appear in red, if the password does not comply instead.
For more details about password complexity rules, see your System Administrator.


Change Default Password Upon Your First Login

  • Upon your first login, you are forced to change the default password, and the password change dialog box appears.
  1. Complete all required fields—Old Password, New Password, Confirm Password—and then click Change Password.
  • A message informs you that your password has been successfully changed.
  1. Click OK.
  • The login to Desigo CC is carried out.


Change Your Password when it is About to Expire

  • Upon login, a message tells you that your password is about to expire.
  1. Click Yes.
    NOTE: If you click No, the login to Desigo CC is carried out.
    The password change will be prompted again at the next login attempt.
  1. In the password change dialog box, complete all required fields—Old Password, New Password, Confirm Password—and then click Change Password.
  • A message informs you that your password has been successfully changed.
  1. Click OK.
  • The login to Desigo CC is carried out.


Change Your Expired Password

  • Upon login, you are forced to change your expired password, and the password change dialog box appears.
  1. Complete all required fields—Old Password, New Password, Confirm Password—and then click Change Password.
  • A message informs you that your password has been successfully changed.
  1. Click OK.
  • The login to Desigo CC is carried out.


Change Your Password After Login

  • You are logged on into Desigo CC.
  • For security reasons or reset, you want to change your user password.
  1. In the Summary bar, select Menu > Operator > Change User Password.
  • The password change dialog box appears.
  1. Complete all required fields—Old Password, New Password, Confirm Password—and then click Change Password.
  • A message informs you that your password has been successfully changed.
  1. Click OK to close the message box.


Interrupt Auto-Logoff
  • You are working on a Desigo CC station and your user group was configured for auto-logoff after a period of operator inactivity.
  • The logoff message box displays the time remaining before the automatic logoff.
  • To stop the logoff, move the cursor or press any key on the keyboard.
  • The auto-logoff is interrupted.


End Your Work Session
  • You have appropriate privileges to quit the Desigo CC application.
  • In the Summary bar, select Menu > Exit.
  • You are logged off and Desigo CC shuts down.


Do an Operator Switchover
  • The currently logged-on operator is at the workstation and you need to take over urgently.
    NOTE: If the currently logged-on operator is not at the workstation, see Do an operator log off.
  1. In the Summary bar, select Menu > Operator > Switchover.
    NOTE: You can carry out this task only if the option to do the operator switchover is available in the system menu.
  • The logon dialog box displays.
  1. In Current user, have the currently logged on operator to enter the password.
  1. In New User, enter your username, password, and domain.
  1. Click Logon.
  • The current user is logged off from Desigo CC. The system splash screen displays, then Desigo CC restarts with your user credentials.


Do an Operator Log Off
  • You have appropriate privileges to do an operator log off.
  • The currently logged-on operator is not at the workstation, and you urgently need to log onto Desigo CC.
  • In the Summary bar, select Menu > Logoff.
  • The currently logged-on operator is logged off from Desigo CC, and the logon dialog box displays.


Reflect a Change of Your User Role
  • You were assigned multiple roles.
  • In the current work session, a message box informs you that a change to your user role assignment has been applied.
  1. In the message box, click OK.
  • You are logged off. Desigo CC logon dialog box displays.
  1. Enter your username and password.
  1. Click Logon.


Access a Closed-Mode Client

In closed-mode stations, when the computer is powered up Desigo CC starts automatically with the GMSDefaultUser logged on. To log on, you must log off the GMSDefaultUser and then log on with your own credentials.

  1. In the Summary bar, select Menu > Logoff.
  • A message box informs you that Desigo CC will be closed and you will be logged on.
  1. Click OK.
  • GMSDefaultUser is logged off. The initialization splash screen displays for a few seconds. The logon dialog box displays.
  1. Enter your username and password.
  1. Select the domain.
  1. Click Logon.
  • Desigo CC restarts in closed mode with your credentials.


Exit a Closed-Mode Session

In closed-mode stations, you cannot shut down Desigo CC. You can only log off to end your session, after which the GMSDefaultUser is automatically logged on.

  1. In the Summary bar, select Menu > Logoff.
  • A message box informs you that Desigo CC will be closed and the GMSDefaultUser will be logged on.
  1. Click OK.
  • You are logged off. Desigo CC starts in closed mode and the GMSDefaultUser is automatically logged on.


Client Application Forced Restart

The Desigo CC system continually monitors the reliability and responsiveness of the client application.
If technical problems are detected, the Desigo CC client application will be automatically stopped and restarted for memory optimization.

If a message informs you that Desigo CC will be restarted within 1 minute, do the following:

  1. Save your work.
    You can optionally restart Desigo CC before the countdown expires.
  • When Desigo CC starts up again, a message informs you that the client application was restarted due to an unhandled error or low memory problem.
  1. Log on again to Desigo CC.


Troubleshooting Logon and Startup Issues


Invalid username or password
If you enter an invalid user name or password, a message box informs you about invalid credentials, and you can retry to log on. If you exceed the configured number of configured attempts, you are locked from logging onto Desigo CC for a 5 minute lapse, after which only one more logon attempt is possible. If an incorrect password is entered again, your account will be locked for another 5 minute lapse.
See your Desigo CC Administrator for assistance.


System domain
The current version of Desigo CC supports only one domain. This means that you can only log on to the configured default domain. If the default domain name is not configured, the default station name and Desigo CC user (not Windows user) are available as domain instead.
If you belong to a domain different from the default, you can log on only as a Desigo CC user or local user under [station name]\[user name].


Client application startup issues
When trying to log onto Desigo CC, if the Client Profile is not found or the client license is not available, a message informs about these problems and the Desigo CC client will not start.
You must see your System Administrator for assistance.